Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Evolution of Insanity!

Yesterday I was inspired by a fellow Facebook friend that blogging is not as hard as it looks. With The Chicago Marathon only a week away, I thought I would try to fill you in on my history as a runner. 

I started with literally running from one street light to another. Maybe 100 yards at a time? Who knows, it felt like forever. My first 5k was a HOT July 4th run in around 90 degrees. My friend Jim, lovingly captured me perfectly at this time (about .1 left of the race). I thought I would die!

My first Race! 5k, July 4, 2010. It was NOT pretty!
As you can see one was not enough, and so it began! These two ladies here are my inspiration for running. They got me started, cheered me on, and oftentimes ran with me as I huffed and puffed during each race!
McHenry River Run. My sister in law, Dawn, and Tracy.
The two ladies who inspired me to start running!
July 2010
McHenry River Run. Wasn't even an official race.
 It was only 3 miles.
July 2010

Although this quote from this picture was from later on in my running it was from only my third race! Love the knee brace and cotton that I am still wearing!  LOVELY!
My claim to fame. I made it into the Women's Running Magazine!
Rally for Autism
 August 2010

Hog Jog 5k. Warming up! Well, getting a good picture anyway!
August 2010

Jubilee Days 5k race in my hometown.
September 2010
I really thought this race would kill. I had never run 6.2 miles before, let alone half of it on the trail. It was an out and back, so by mile 4, I knew I was last and cried my way through the last few miles. The cool thing though was that everyone at the finish line cheered just for me!

10k run. I came in dead last at this race! This one almost killed me!
September 2010

My first BIG race! The Chicago Hot Chocolate 15k! I trained hard for this one. I made it 7 miles before I walked for the first time. Dawn was amazing. She was my personal trainer at the gym and she choose to run with me! What an amazing experience!

Hot Chocolate 15k, 2010. Dawn was my first trainer. I would have
never finished without her.
November 2010
The result from my first 15K, I sprained the bottom of my
foot and couldn't walk on it for a week! Ended up in the
Acute Care for it!
November 2010
I did the hard races, so I thought I would do a Mud Run! Don't knock it until you try it!  So much fun!

We were the cutest girls out there!
Warrior Dash Florida, January 2011

This is what I do on a girl's weekend in Florida!
5k Warrior Dash, Florida with my sister in law, Dawn!
January 2011
Ugly shirt race! It rained and was so cold! I don't plan on doing anymore Saint Patrick Day runs!

The Ugly shirt race! St. Patrick's Day
March 2011

Techno Trot 5k. My feet barely get off the ground!
April 2011
Yep! I took the plunge! Did my first half marathon! It was cold and wet! Seems to be a theme for my Spring races! Finished right around 2:30 I think?!
Our running crew! Wisconsin Half
May 2011
My first 13.1 miles! Wisconsin Half Marathon
I finish and ran the whole thing!
May 2011
My running buddies, Jenna and Alana at the 8k Splish Splash!
May 2011
8k Splish Splash! Ran this one with my friend, Jenna!
May 2011

Story of my running career, all my friends are finished and
waiting for me! 5k for a school benefit.
June 2011
Danskin Dualthon. I was a spectator here, but included it
anyway! Something I have no interest in doing!
June 2011
Second Anniversary of my first race!
July 4, 2011
Rally for Autism! Did this 5k two years in a row.
August 2011
This is Beth, before she became a speed demon and left
me in the dust!
August 2011
5k Warrior Dash Wisconsin! Let's get Muddy!
September 2011

What Fun!

Dirty Fun!
Sepetember 2011

5k Corn Maze. Friends and co-workers!
 It's awesome having friends to run with.
October, 2011

My friend's daughter, Aubrey. She stayed with me on this
one for 7 miles, then I told her to go on!
November 2011
This is my second 15K Hot Chocolate. I really thought
I was going to die here!
November 2011
Once wasn't enough! Had to try again on the half! Second time was better! Around 2:15, I just know I took off 16 minutes!

2nd Half Marathon, May 2012. Why do we always seem to
run in cold, wet conditions. Oh yeah, we live in the midwest!
Wisconsin Half Marathon, May 2012. The 2nd time was
 awesome and we took 15 minutes off our time!
This was the hottest and longest race ever! First inaugural Women's Half! While we certainly looked cute, I thought I was going to fall over. Way too hot and dangerous that day. I finished! That was all that mattered!
Women's Half Marathon, June 2012. It was so hot! They
gave this one a red flag during the race. Needless to say
no PR and LOTS of walking. But we were cute!

No caption needed! Women's Half, June 2012

So with that, I have brought you up to speed! There's been some races in there, but my goal this summer has been to train hard and finish my first marathon! I can't wait! Breath and enjoy the inSANity!