People assume I'm an extrovert, and according to the Google dictionary, an extrovert "an outgoing, overtly expressive person," so I guess I am...sometimes. But if you look very closely, I don't fit in all the time. I flit and fly from one group and conversation to another, never really settling into a group or conversation for too long. Almost like I'm trying too hard (maybe I am?) Why is that? I've asked myself this question over and over again, and I seem to come back to the same answer. I'm not enough..I'm not enough for them to invite me unless social convention dictates that they should. Reality? I have no idea, but that's what I see. To be honest though, I don't think I'm as outgoing as people think I am. I don't like big crowds or several groups of people in a small environment. It's too much for me, it overwhelms my senses and exhausts me emotionally and physically. I want to just run and hide!
One day I was sitting in an interview and I was asked "What was the one area that I felt I needed to work on the most?' My strange and sudden response was "I need to work on being less "Sandra." I went on to explain that I tend to be too much for people to know what to do with. I'm passionate about so many things, I talk a lot, I am loud, I feel all the feels, and yet on a daily basis, I wonder to myself "Am I enough?" See the conflicts going on here?
But the feeling of am I enough is something that goes back as far as I can remember. I've always been a bit of a perfectionist. Not in the clean room, everything tidy kind of way, but in the I have to be perfect for those around me. But I've always felt like I've never been really good at anything, and thus I have always wondered "Am I enough?"
Am I enough of a wife, a daughter, a mom, a co-worker, a teacher, a runner, a friend.... I can't seem to stop asking that question over and over, and I think now, finally, at this point in my life, I need to change this thought process.
One day I was sitting in an interview and I was asked "What was the one area that I felt I needed to work on the most?' My strange and sudden response was "I need to work on being less "Sandra." I went on to explain that I tend to be too much for people to know what to do with. I'm passionate about so many things, I talk a lot, I am loud, I feel all the feels, and yet on a daily basis, I wonder to myself "Am I enough?" See the conflicts going on here?
But the feeling of am I enough is something that goes back as far as I can remember. I've always been a bit of a perfectionist. Not in the clean room, everything tidy kind of way, but in the I have to be perfect for those around me. But I've always felt like I've never been really good at anything, and thus I have always wondered "Am I enough?"
Am I enough of a wife, a daughter, a mom, a co-worker, a teacher, a runner, a friend.... I can't seem to stop asking that question over and over, and I think now, finally, at this point in my life, I need to change this thought process.
Now, why does this matter to me when it comes to running? Why do I need to do something with this now, more so than ever? I'm training for my first 50 miler, and that thought of "Am I enough?" shows it's ugly self all the time. If I let this thought creep in and fester, then I'll fail. THAT THOUGHT TERRIFIES ME! Yes, I may DNF, or not meet goals that I may set. That is a reality of ultrarunning, but that's not the failure that I'm referring to. I'm talking about the failure that I gave up, that I was not enough, when I shouldn't have. I'm afraid of letting friends down that have supported and believed in me, especially if I don't believe in myself. That feels weird. It feels conceited, arrogant, and a bit self-absorbed, but I know that in ultrarunning, you have to be a bit of all these things to need to be to accomplish these big goals.
Me: "I don't want to do this anymore, I want to quit"
Jenna: "It's okay to feel that way, it's what you do with that feeling that matters!"
(Ice Age 50k, May 2016)
Jenna: "It's okay to feel that way, it's what you do with that feeling that matters!"
(Ice Age 50k, May 2016)
A special gift. One of my favorite quotes |
So now, instead of thinking and saying "Am I enough?" I will try to use the words "I am enough." Even if something goes wrong.....
~Dedicated to those that believe in me,
even when I don't always believe in myself